Re: Yahoogroups and blind users - sorry for being a bit off topi c

the problems with text presented as images whether they are alted or
not, has to do with people not being able to change the size of the text
in the image who may need to be able to do that.  everything that is in
text that is not remdered through an image can be resized or should be
resizeable but text within images cannot.  The lack of parity has to do
with the fact that some do not have sound cards in fact many don't so
that knocks out the .wav solution and if I cannot hear or cannot be
called back as is the case in many circumstances, this option will not
be available so even if we have a choice, it is highly possible that I
will not be able to do either because a person without a soundcard or wo
cannot hear may also likely be  aperson who cannot be called back.  A
parity solution is achievable.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Carter" <>
To: "wai-ig list" <>
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: Yahoogroups and blind users - sorry for being a bit off
topi c

> I just began a thread on this and it is not the only site that has
> implemented this.  currently, there are two work arounds that do not
> provide parity.

Sorry for my ignorance, but what do you mean by 'provide parity' and how
does this (the WAV and Phone option) not do it?

> By the way, I believe that this violates the wcag by providing an
> with text in it only.

I would like to flag up that this is a fundamental problem: The
for usability and security have intrinsic conflicting properties, not
in the web.  Stadiums would be much more accessible if they had no walls
the security requirement states that you must only allow in ticket
so they have doors and turnstiles.  It would be much easier to type in
passwords if the text were displayed as you type, but someone could see
over your shoulder...

IMO the phrasing in that guideline is wrong if it says you shouldn't
images that contain only text.  A more correct guideline would say that
linguistic content must be provided in a machine-interpretable form.  By
linguistic I mean 'stuff in a language' so it covers written and spoken
text.  This clearly forbids a page to have only a set of .gifs for
'prev' 'next' but does not forbid the images themselves, as long as they
backed up with ALT attributes.

If you feel this is getting off topic please feel free to mail me



Received on Monday, 28 January 2002 11:51:05 UTC