Re: ferreting out the meaning of horizontal rules [was: RE: Bobby inaccuracy?]

Chris Croome wrote:

>><hr alt="Begin main content." />
> This is what the title="" tag is for :-)

Oops. My bad. That's what I meant. I just typed alt by mistake.

>>you can also use it without adding potentially additional
> elements like div's, eg:
> <p title="Breadcrumb navigation bar."><a href="/">home</a> / Current page</p>

Yes. I do this all the time. But using divs for the main parts of the 
page is useful. In general, however, I try to give appropriate class 
names to everything. I can always add style rules for them later. In the 
above example, I would've given the p a class like "Trail".

I've also thought about using ids more liberally. That would allow 
others to link to specific parts of pages (and occasional temporary 
by-id style rules, if necessary).

Funny you should choose a breadcrumb trail for your example. I almost 
put that in my example, but decided it was long enough already.

Charles F. Munat
Seattle, Washington

Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2002 23:45:23 UTC