RE: Legal requirements RE: statistics

> From: Martin Sloan []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 11:52 AM
> To: 'Kynn Bartlett'; 'David Woolley'; ''
> Subject: RE: Legal requirements RE: statistics
> I was going to reply off-list to this and the next post, but
> felt that
> since a direct question was asked I should reply on list.
> However, I would
> be happy for any future discussion to be carried on off-list, for the
> benefit of those who are not interested in the legal argument
> (and whose
> mailboxes are overflowing!), unless any new issues come up.


Thank you for your contributions to this discussion. I have been following the 
trail of communication on this subject closely and taken heed of the major 
issues covered. I have found your comments/interpretations invaluable and the 
issues raised in response to your posts interesting. I cannot speak for others 
who are bothered by the amount of mail generated through the W3c-WAi-IG 
discussion list, but I would be disappointed if your posts on this subject 
were only continued off-list from now on.


Dr Denise L Wood
Lecturer: Professional Development (online teaching and learning)
University of South Australia
CE Campus, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
Ph:    (61 8) 8302 2172 / (61 8) 8302 4472 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Fax:  (61 8) 8302 2363 / (61 8) 8302 4390
Mob: (0413 648 260)


Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2002 21:02:45 UTC