Re: WCAG usability Re: Multiple versions of a web page


Some considerations about metrics include how well designed they are and
under what conditions are measurements and interpretations made.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle of course is always an issue
and needs to be considered when designing measurements and metrics.

The conjecture that there is often a bias that can invalidate them
should not be used as an excuse to use no metrics.  That is similar
to saying that no program should be used because often they have bugs
in them.  Perfection in metrics or software is rarely achievable.
People learn to accept that something is useful if "good enough".

While it may be psychologically reassuring to lump all metrics together
as a way to dismiss them, the reality of metrics and measurements
is much more complex and subtle.


> it is your arrogance that brings this out and it is the arrogant
> responses you make that re-oinforces this but I will not differ with you
> on your clarification.  I will say though that it would take a lot of
> money and a lot of years to come up with metrics and even they might be
> worthless depending on how far reaching they are and how much the
> technology has changed by then.  I'm not against metrics but I have seen
> two things come out of metrics that scare me.  One is that attempts to
> measure often distort what is being measured and thus the results are
> distorted and two there is often a biass in the measurements that can
> invalidate them.

Received on Friday, 28 December 2001 00:47:21 UTC