Re: lights are on, no one's in. beta now up, does it need a drop-down list as well?

The beta is now up it requires IE6, a mousewheel, and must be javascript
enabled. any comments very welcome. apologies to
Jim, ifs missing.

What i am trying to get at, is that I may contribute a drop-down list as
well, and there are i am sure other paradigms, but surely the provision of
them is as much a UA issue as a coding one. That is if I prefer drop-down, I
don't want to have to state this on every site I visit.
again comments please

Has anyone seen a code snippet that uses javascript "onmousewheel" and works
in any other browser?? please advise me if so.

jonathan chetwynd         "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web" "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

Received on Monday, 19 November 2001 11:36:22 UTC