Web Accessibility Mailing Lists

Hi everyone,

Just trying to gather up a list of which public mailing lists
deal with web accessibility issues.  I know of the following off
the top of my head:

w3c-wai-ig        The WAI interest group
webaim            WebAIM Forum
aware-techniques  HWG mailing list (new and somewhat deadish)
sec508            Trace's Section 508 list
disacc            YahooGroup about disability access (quiet)

What else is there?  Those are the ones I'm currently subscribed
to.  Other Trace lists?  Anything at EASI?  What more am I missing?
(Not that I need extra mailing lists to read.)


Kynn Bartlett  <kynn@idyllmtn.com>                http://kynn.com/
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet   http://idyllmtn.com/
Online Instructor, Accessible Web Design     http://kynn.com/+d201

Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2001 22:56:02 UTC