Has anyone tried Internet Explorer v6.0 (final) for accessiblity?

The final version is out in public (Windows):
http://microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.htm ... I wonder if accessbility
has been improved from the last few versions of Internet Explorer?

Thank you in advance for a reply.
"News Headline: Ants Take A Long Time To Cook In Microwave" --unknown
  /\___/\                               Phillip Pi (Ant) from apu.edu.
 / /\ /\ \               E-Mail: philpi@earthlink.net, philpi@apu.edu,
| |.   .| |                               or harvester_ant@hotmail.com
   \ _ /                     The Ant Farm: http://antfarm.home.dhs.org
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Received on Monday, 27 August 2001 20:26:09 UTC