Re: links on white and black background

At 9:41 PM +0100 2001/7/05, Pat Byrne wrote:
>I asked my original question so that I could find the best and most
>accessible way of doing this. Using a navigation bar with a different
>background to the rest of the page is a popular technique with Web designers
>- rather that say to them 'no you can't do that' I'd rather be able to say
>'here the most accessible way of doing it'.

Going off on a tangent, here's a thought:

CSS2 provides color keywords tied to the user's system preferences:

One of the difficulties in creating navigation bars is that you want to
be able to do exactly what Pat describes here -- using different colors
to offset the navigation options.  But usually it's difficult to figure
out how exactly to do that and still allow the user to set colors.

I submit that by using the system defaults, you may actually be able
to solve that problem, by assuming (*) that the user will have set
reasonable color preferences on her operating system to allow the use
of the system -- and therefore you can use system colors in web
designs relatively safely.

(*) This is a semi-safe assumption, because otherwise the user may have
problems using the entire system if the colors are not "safe" for her

This would be a good technique for the CSS Techniques document for
the following checkpoint:

2.2 Ensure that foreground and background color combinations provide 
sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits or 
when viewed on a black and white screen. [Priority 2 for images, 
Priority 3 for text].

What's the catch?  The catch is, as with any CSS, trying to figure out
if it's supported by the web browsers.  Eric Meyer's CSS charts at (bookmark those if you haven't!) don't
seem to touch on this.


PS:  The answer to Pat's question -- what is the accessible way to do
      this? -- is to use CSS.  That was easy. ;)

Kynn Bartlett <>
Technical Developer Liaison
Reef North America
Accessibility - W3C - Integrator Network
Tel +1 949-567-7006

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2001 20:22:44 UTC