Re: Single vs. multiple sites for accessibility

> If that's not an option for you (and, by the way, it SHOULD be; the
> idea of a huge site full of static pages is a VERY dated concept and

It's interesting how software goes in circles.  HTML was designed to
replace gopher, because gopher looked too much like it had been generated
from a database, but HTML allowed one to mix in links in the correct
context in the text.  Once you start mechanically generating HTML from
structured data, you are repeating the circle, rather than making real

My own perception of the way the W3C tries to go is that they would 
want the master document to be a public XML document, not one hidden in
the server, and to use style sheets to customise it to different formats,
client side.

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2001 17:33:42 UTC