Re: hiding accessibility features

> about using CSS {display:none} to 'hide' things like 'skip navigation'

display:none hides the objects for all media; you would have to qualify
it with a media type.

What about users with poor literacy who want to have parallel text to
speech and graphical presentation?

> and 'D' links? 

A more tenuous argument, but what about those with poor colour vision
who cannot cope with the colour scheme on a (hopefully third party supplied)

This reminds me of one UK bank that had/has their "text only" page link as 
a very low contrast graphic that was really quite difficult to spot - if
someone has a text only version, I'll nearly always try it, when using
GUI browsers, as it is likely to be much faster and easier to navigate.
On the other hand endemic failure to provide text alternatives to graphics
means that I need to keep graphics enabled in GUI browsers.

Received on Wednesday, 4 July 2001 09:13:30 UTC