Registration for UIML Europe 2001 is now open

I am pleased to announce you that the electronic registration for UIML Europe 2001
is now open !

UIML Europe 2001 is the first European manifestation entirely dedicated to UIML
( User Interface Markup Language ). This XML language cover a large part of the XForms requirements
and uses the same architecture.

This conference will take place in Paris on March 7-8 2001 . It is entirely FREE but I ask
you to register in order we can have ressources adapted to the audience.

You can find all details for this conference at the above URL ( including the registration form
and the program ) :

I am looking forward to meet you at UIML Europe 2001 !

Best regards

          Didier  COURTAUD                 |
       Intranet Group Leader               | Phone     : +33 1 69 26 59 54
         CEA / DIF / CDEI                  |
  BP 12 91680 Bruyeres le Chatel           | Fax       : +33 1 69 26 70 79
             France                        |
   Science and Technology Professor        | Email :
Mathematics and Computer Science Department|
   University of Evry Val d'Essonnne       |
      4 Boulevard Francois Mitterand       |
          91025 EVRY Cedex                 |
               FRANCE                      |
     President of the Aristote association |

Received on Monday, 18 December 2000 06:28:16 UTC