Looking for bad JavaScript examples!

Thanks Marti for the suggestion.  JCPenny wasn't as bad as I was hoping for.
I am looking for examples where what looks like straight text is pulled from
a separate .js file.  I am also looking for examples where there are buttons
(or links) that can't be tabbed to and can't be activated from the keyboard.
I understand that events like "onMouseUp" can cause this effect, but I
couldn't find a site that uses that sort of code (I suspect onClick has
better cross-browser support).  I have, of course, come across plenty of
sites with these kinds of accessibility problems -- but I can't find one now
that I am looking for a clear counter-example!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marti [mailto:marti@agassa.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 4:20 PM
> To: Bailey, Bruce; w3c-wai-ig@w3.org
> Subject: Re: Another JavaScript question!
> Try JCPenny.com - they have a JavaScript navigation that uses a large
> <noscript> section that should make it accessible, however 
> you have to turn
> off JavaScript to get that, even then the links don't show up 
> in the link
> list for JFW.
> Marti
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bailey, Bruce" <Bruce_Bailey@ed.gov>
> To: <w3c-wai-ig@w3.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 3:53 PM
> Subject: Another JavaScript question!
>> Thanks for all the great assistance with making JavaScript 
>> "pop-up" help
>> usable with a text-only browser.
>> Now I am looking for examples of the opposite kind...
>> Can anyone point me towards sites where the JavaScript is 
>> of the sort that
>> even with IE5+ and JFW 3.7 the pages are inaccessible?
>> I am looking for examples where:
>> (1)  a screenreader cannot get at text, and/or
>> (2)  buttons cannot be tabbed to (that is, they must be 
>> activated by the mouse cursor).
>> Also, if people can advise as to what the code would use to 
>> create these
>> highly inaccessible pages, I would be most appreciative.
>> For what it's worth, the "onClick" attribute is not what I 
>> am looking for.
>> Said links can be tabbed to and activated with the return key!
>> Thanks very much.
>> -- Bruce Bailey

Received on Thursday, 16 November 2000 08:30:49 UTC