RE: swapping images

Dear Jamie,
This specific issue comes up ever so often.  The suggestions you are getting
seem rather innovative, if not well supported.  I did a casual search
through the archives for "mouseover" but could find exactly what I was
looking for.  You might have better luck searching for yourself.  At a
minimum, I would suggest the thread beginning with URL:
I remember an earlier observation that one _could_ use JavaScript to swap
ALT content dynamically -- but what would be the point -- since a screen
reader would never be able to get a hold of it!
I rather like your approach.  It seems to me that the content is sufficient.
It is fairly backwards compatible, and works on both major market browsers.
I would judge your solution to be more than acceptable, perhaps even
commendable.  Does anyone disagree with this assessment?
Good luck,
Bruce Bailey

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Jamie Mackay
> Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 2:28 PM
> To: WAI Mailing list
> Subject: swapping images
>  Hi
> I'm new to this list so please forgive me if this has come up 
> already. 
> Has anyone come up with a solution for making swap-image javascript
> functions accessible? I know that ideally these should be 
> avoided, but I am
> keen to push the boundaries of the guidelines a bit and see what is
> possible. My solution so far has been to simply create a D tag (and a
> longdesc attribute for the image tag) for the default image and then
> describe what each image will look like as the user holds 
> their mouse over a
> different link (for an example see
> ). 
> Is this an 'acceptable' solution? Are there better ways of doing this?
> Thanks
> Jamie Mackay
> Web Editor
> Ministry for Culture and Heritage
> New Zealand

Received on Monday, 6 November 2000 13:52:38 UTC