Re: text:graphic [2]

Al, I like to heed your advice and normally agree with you, however I tried
hat at gurunet, no picture as per Anne.

If I should be using a different link, please be specific if not:
<img src="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Clipart\Popular\Champgne.wmf">
as its only going to work with win98 is it a really significant issue?
Most LD users and their carers will have installed applications the standard
way, and they have very large and well designed graphics libraries.
To communicate via the web this means providing different online resources
for each application, and is not universal, however it is practical. It
probably means having a ghastly page saying "you don't seem to have
installed such and such a graphics library in their default location. please
either reinstall or visit... to purchase" however......
Pages will remain accessible in the rather narrow sense of WAI as alt
tags(and other coding issues)are not effected.
I would like to see a variety of fallback positions to allow cross-posting
and sharing of graphics without requiring installation of complete packages.
I have been asking for a practical universal solution for 2 years, and
happily admit it has taken this long to get near defining the problem.

 I've no doubt misunderstood something so please try and elaborate. eg
perhaps its not practical.

jonathan chetwynd
IT teacher (learning difficulty)
& accessibility consultant

Received on Sunday, 8 October 2000 14:21:46 UTC