RE: content guidelines checkpoint 3.1

CSS2 and SVG both support defining fonts - SVG allows pretty much any kind of
effeect you can imagine, and the text is still just plain text with the font
applied via a style sheet. Although SVG is only a candidate recommendation
the CSIRO viewer works with fonts.

For more details on SVG see the home page -

Charles McCN

On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Dave  J Woolley wrote:

  > From:	Steven McCaffrey [SMTP:smccaffr@MAIL.NYSED.GOV]
  > My Statement of my interpretation of the checkpoints was 
  > no checkpoint is of the form "Thou shalt not do ... ",
  > but rather, "If you do ... then you must also provide ..."
  > which the above quote from the WCAG 1.0 itself says even more clearly than
  > I.
  	The priority 1 guideline requires that alt text be provided
  	for images, However, the priority 2 guideline 3.1 goes beyond
  	this and puts, what I would consider a SHOULD level requirement,
  	that images not be used for text where there is appropriate 
  	text markup.  Where the intention is only to get a particular
  	font, there is appropriate markup available with CSS, so the
  	SHOULD requirement applies at priority 2.
  	I would consider trademarks to be graphics in most cases, even
  	if they have the appearance of words (although I can think of
  	cases where they should be treated as text).
  	Any requiremnt that a particular font is the only one acceptable
  	rules out even guideline 1.1.  (Marketing departments are often
  	very insistent on exact fonts and colours, but copyright may prevent
  	the use of that font as anything except a bitmap, and the font
  	can be overridden or unsupported.)
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Charles McCathieNevile    phone: +61 (0) 409 134 136
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative            
Location: I-cubed, 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053
Postal: GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne 3001,  Australia 

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2000 15:49:58 UTC