Re: reasonable accomodation? (was Re: single browser intranets)

[Kynn Bartlett]
>A nicer story from the HWG relates to the book we use in our HTML
>4.0 online class, written by Ann Navarro and published by Sybex.  One
>of our students is blind and thus can't just use the printed version;
>we contacted Sybex and found that for the same price as the printed
>book, an electronic version on disk could be purchased, as long as a
>non-disclosure agreement (NDA) was signed.  The reason for the NDA
>is that it's easier to create a new version of the book from the
>electronic copy than the dead tree version.

O'Reilly makes similar accomodations; I wasn't directly involved, but
electronic copies were provided to organizations and individuals on many
occasions, and I want to say that it was sometimes done for free.  But it's
important to note that getting an electronic copy and getting a *usable*
electronic copy can be very different things.  Many publishers only keep
the PDF or PostScript files used to actually print the book; at O'Reilly,
if the book was in SGML or Frame, producing a usable electronic copy for a
blind customer was pretty easy, but if the book was done in troff, it was a
bit harder.


Christopher R. Maden, Solutions Architect
Exemplary Technologies
One Embarcadero Center, Ste. 2405
San Francisco, CA 94111

Received on Wednesday, 27 October 1999 03:27:57 UTC