RE: Web Magazine featuring Accessibility issues

At 11:25 AM 10/19/1999 , Bruce Bailey wrote:
>Yes, it would be nice if the W3C validator did not get hung up on "trivial" 
>html errors (especially ones that are repeated several times on a page). 
>  But the tool works, and it's free and very fast.

The validator at may be more friendly; at one time,
the W3C's validator was Gerald Oskoboiny's private project at
his university, and was called the "Kinder, Gentler Validator."
It featured easier-to-understand error messages than the other
primary validator at the time, run by webtechs (this no longer
exists and the site now belongs to a porn company, so check your
old links to make sure you're not sending people to nude women
instead of a validator!).

Since being made an official W3C service, about the time Ger took
a job at the W3C, the KGV lost its "kindess" and adopted a formal
W3C air of officialness.

Liam Quinn's htmlhelp validator is based on the same technology
(but not the same source code) as the W3C validator, and thus
produces roughly equivalent validation, differing primarily on
the input/output methods and error messages.  You may find this
a useful alternative to the official W3C validator:

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Tuesday, 19 October 1999 15:41:17 UTC