Bobby and Guidelines

Hey folks. Remember that Bobby is not perfect, but an attempt to 
automatically check your code. For that matter the guidelines are 
probably not perfect either.

The difficulty here is that Bobby has in the past given 4 stars to 
inaccessible websites, and only one to very accessible ones. These 
things need to be tempered with a bit of old-fashioned rainpower to work 
as well as possible.

I had a look at Richard's deafwatch front page (
), and thought that it was not too bad. Improvements could be made by
removing MARQUEE as it is not an HTML element, giving IMAGES titles and
longdesc/D-links as well as ALT text (more work, but hopefully it can be
partially automated. My _personal_ feeling is that LONGDESC and a D-link
should both be used, pointing to the same thing, that TITLE should provide
the functional description of a resource and that ALT should attempt to
capture whatever is most important in a few succinct words) and by using
style sheets instead of hard-formatted styles. 

But so far as I can see there is nothing actually inaccessible about the
page as it stands. (Any thoughts folks?)

Charles McCathieNevile

Received on Tuesday, 21 April 1998 05:11:53 UTC