Re: Bobby and Guidelines

Fuck off and die assholes take me off the fuckin mail list !!!

I would like to change the world but, 
    I dont have the source code.

Member of the Freedom of infromation (F.I.V.G)

On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

> Hey folks. Remember that Bobby is not perfect, but an attempt to 
> automatically check your code. For that matter the guidelines are 
> probably not perfect either.
> The difficulty here is that Bobby has in the past given 4 stars to 
> inaccessible websites, and only one to very accessible ones. These 
> things need to be tempered with a bit of old-fashioned rainpower to work 
> as well as possible.
> I had a look at Richard's deafwatch front page (
> ), and thought that it was not too bad. Improvements could be made by
> removing MARQUEE as it is not an HTML element, giving IMAGES titles and
> longdesc/D-links as well as ALT text (more work, but hopefully it can be
> partially automated. My _personal_ feeling is that LONGDESC and a D-link
> should both be used, pointing to the same thing, that TITLE should provide
> the functional description of a resource and that ALT should attempt to
> capture whatever is most important in a few succinct words) and by using
> style sheets instead of hard-formatted styles. 
> But so far as I can see there is nothing actually inaccessible about the
> page as it stands. (Any thoughts folks?)
> Charles McCathieNevile

Received on Tuesday, 21 April 1998 13:59:43 UTC