RE: Findable help issues

HI Lisa,

Yes, set of web pages is defined and used by 4 current SCs, the most similar is Consistent Navigation. The problem is that "Consistent Navigation" (and the others) do not require that navigation be shown on all pages in the set, only that where it does show, it must show consistently.
They almost self-define, as if you don’t have the navigation then it isn’t the same set. It is only if you do have the navigation and it is in a different place that it triggers a fail.

Findable Help requires that you know whether a page is in a set, and if certain help mechanisms are available, then it should have those available consistently across the set.


From: Lisa Seeman <>
Sent: 04 February 2021 10:10
To: Alastair Campbell <>
Cc: WCAG list ( <>;
Subject: Re: Findable help issues

Isn't it defined at set-of-web-pagesdef<> from SC 2.4.5<> Multiple Ways?

I am not sure we can do a better job!
Set a screen that are used to complete a process, such as filling out a form or learning about a product

On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 5:19 PM Alastair Campbell <<>> wrote:
Hi Lisa,

Sure, the latest version of the SC text and understanding is here:

The basic issue here though is that ‘set of web pages’ hasn’t been used in this way before. How does a tester (or even the developer!) know whether a page belongs to a particular set of web pages.

Kind regards,


From: Lisa Seeman <<>>
Sent: 02 February 2021 14:54
To: Alastair Campbell <<>>
Cc: WCAG list (<>) <<>>;<>
Subject: Re: Findable help issues

Hi Alistair
Can we have a link to the current wording of the SC?
It might make more sense to me then...
All the best

On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 2:47 AM Alastair Campbell <<>> wrote:
Hi folks,

Last time we discussed Findable help, there were a couple of issues we couldn’t answer:

The resolution was to add some examples that try to answer the question. In doing so, we should be able to work out if the SC text will be testable.

The problem was that "Consistent Navigation" doesn't require that navigation be shown on all pages in the set, only that where it does show, it must show consistently.

I think this does put us under a burden of proof to show, either through examples or a definition update, how people can consistently identify whether any page is part of a set.

If that is too difficult, it might be a case for deferment because in Silver the person claiming conformance defines the process/task/set.
Kind regards,



@alastc /<>

Received on Thursday, 4 February 2021 10:34:04 UTC