Zoom / Reflow SC understanding doc updated

Hi everyone,

Thanks to those people who commented on the zoom understanding doc. I'm afraid I made a lot of updates on the 10th November (last Friday at TPAC). 

Several of the comments based on the text no-longer apply, but I have integrated changes from Laura and David where possible.

Michael: I changed the "direction of text" to "horizontally written languages...", does that help?
Also, I've put in one example (as a video) of success. Once we've made progress on techniques, that could be replaced with a demo-style example if that is a better way?

Makoto & Rachael, I have one visual example in now, hope to have more when we put the techniques together.

If you had a look before, it is worth another quick read through (and it should be quicker, it is shorter now):

If you haven't had a chance to look at it yet, please do, the current survey and responses are here:



Received on Monday, 13 November 2017 22:04:05 UTC