trying to address the needs of web evaluators with the language SC

Hi Folks

For the simple and clear language SC at level A , the scope is limited to  controls, labels and instructions.
 David pointed out that for long instructions - such as a book, this could still be a big burden for web evaluation companies until such time as there are tools that identify potential violations. 
We know the technology for the tools are there,  (we saw the IBM demo and the translation industry have had these tools for years) but they would have to be adapted. So I was trying to think of a way to allay these concerns.  

Could we add an exception: 
"If there are no tools available in the language of the content that identify uncommon words, instructions that are longer then 400 words are exempt unless they directly relate to a critical service." 

That way we would only be talking about short instructions, navigation and critical error messages.

If we like this solution we can adapt it to the enhanced language criteria as well. 

David and Jeanne - is that getting close now?

All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Friday, 17 February 2017 06:31:22 UTC