Re: User-adaptations in SCs

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the clarification, so for the conclusions:

> (1) that it leaves the underlying purpose opaque to readers of the Guidelines

As a minor aside, I would say that is the case for many or most 2.0 guidelines. We know them, but anyone new to them has to read the understanding to get anywhere.

> (2) that it prevents content authors from understanding and applying the underlying purpose rather than the narrow testing requirement stated in the proposed SC

We need to provide a baseline for testing, it is just whether the baseline values are in the SC text or not. I don’t feel strongly about that.

> (3) if the testing requirement doesn't prove to be robust - if it can pass in ways that fail to achieve the actual purpose of allowing the necessary user adaptation - then it won't adequately address the accessibility need which it is designed to support.

And that is what the process I linked to is for – to ensure we have good techniques (and possibly failures) for this SC.

If everyone is happy that the SC text is good in principle, then we can add a note to the effect that final publication of the SC will depend on there being good techniques (although I think that applies to all of them!)



PS. Sorry for getting the SC manager wrong David, although it does apply to both as they are both forms of adaptation. 

Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2017 14:30:27 UTC