Update to SC Manager page, with video tutorials

I’ve updated the SC managers page (https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/SC_Managers_Phase1) and added two tutorials for using GitHub.

The first is dealing with how to fork the WCAG 2.1 repo so you will have a version that is outside of the official W3C repo.
Why is this needed?: Only a few people have rights to edit the W3C/WCAG21 repository, so if someone other than Michael/Josh/me want to they need to make edits separately and then submit a request (a pull request) that the changes that they made in their version (their forked version) are integrated into the main repository.

The second video is dealing with how to use branches in GitHub.
Why is this needed?: When you submit a pull request, you are asking that the changes made in your forked version be integrated into the main repository. If you just work with the main (master) branch and add two SC’s and correct 5 spelling errors and submit a pull request then the group isn’t able to accept just one of the SC in the pull request. As a result, we are asking that SC managers create a new branch in their fork for each SC. That way you will be able to submit a pull request that is focused on just the SC and can be accepted without bringing in other content that may not be approved yet.

I’m working on additional videos to help – suggestions for topics appreciated. Also, I’m not a professional voice artist, audio engineer, or training video developer, so if you are thinking that the production quality could be better, you’re probably right…  Nonetheless, I hope these help.


Andrew Kirkpatrick
Group Product Manager, Standards and Accessibility


Received on Friday, 16 December 2016 20:27:42 UTC