RE: Re[2]: Colour Luminosity/Contrast for form inputs/controls/components

Ø  I don't know a way around that right now. Perhaps we could say something like sufficient contrast with the default Interactive element color. However on most sites that color is decided in the CSS.

I’ll tell you how Apple handles this with VO – so the same technique could be applied to the web – I think it’s possible with CSS also based on a quick Google search (  Basically VoiceOver draws a double border for the focus indicator.  One box is white and one box is black – thus you always have black next to white no matter what other colors are around – simple.


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From: David MacDonald []
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2016 12:34 PM
To: Glenda Sims
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Colour Luminosity/Contrast for form inputs/controls/components

One thing bear in mind when considering sufficient contrast on focus indicators. It is likely that there're will be buttons of different colors and interactive elements of different colors. To maintain sufficient contrast with each tab press, the focus indicator would have to change colors depending on the color of the button for direct development that's landing on. That's a bit of a programming nightmare.

I don't know a way around that right now. Perhaps we could say something like sufficient contrast with the default Interactive element color. However on most sites that color is decided in the CSS.

I think visible folks indicators important place to put some attention in the 2.1 ... And I'm interested n some creative solutions hurdles I'm talking about here...

David MacDonald

CanAdapt Solutions Inc.
Tel:  613.235.4902



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On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 10:14 AM, Glenda Sims <<>> wrote:
Great questions!  Laura Carlson, Jim Allan and I have been looking at proposed wording for a new success criterion called "Interactive Element Contrast (Minimum)".

So far the draft covers color contrast for:

  *   important (non-text) information in an image
  *   disabled interactive elements
  *   borders of input elements
  *   focus indicators
  *   select indicators
Sounds like we need to add visual presentation of the interactive element itself.

I'll put some thought into this and draft some proposed language.

Please note, we are in early draft stage.  The LVTF has not discussed this proposal in detail yet.  I have suggested it as an item for the agenda.  Hopefully we will be able to dive into this discussion this week on our LVTF call. Alastair said, the draft we've crafted is here:

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glenda sims    |   team a11y lead   |<>    |    512.963.3773<tel:512.963.3773>

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On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 7:10 AM,<> <<>> wrote:
1.4.3 is only for text currently,
LVTF wants to expand to all info including ui and graphs etc...


David MacDonald

CanAdapt Solutions Inc.
Tel:  613.235.4902<tel:613.235.4902>



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On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 5:37 AM,<> <<>> wrote:
I'm looking at contrast requirements for a client regarding form controls, radio buttons etc for a client, and WCAG does not seem to specify them. It seems 'implied' that 1.4.3 is relevant and there are techniques that touch on the subject (G183, G182, G111) but nothing definitive like.

"If you have an UI component/input control, or radio button that a VIP user needs to see to select/interact with the luminosity requirements are x."

Am I missing something? Or is this something we need to address?



Received on Saturday, 5 November 2016 01:34:21 UTC