Re: Validity

Hi Paul,

> We certify sites every week and if we were to failed them as a result of
> invalid code, the vast majority of them would fail - even though they
> meet all Double-A and two checkpoints in Treble-AAA.

If they're invalid, then they couldn't pass all priority 2
checkpoints, as checkpoint 3.2 requires that documents validate to
formal grammars.

> I will reiterate, introducing validity
> to the lowest level of conformance (whilst ignore the fact that a site
> can be accessible) will alienate people from using the WAI, me included.

I think it's also fair to say that the opposite will also be true if
validity isn't addressed at all.

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Saturday, 5 November 2005 17:29:49 UTC