Re: Balancing the myth-busting.

Hi David,

> In that case the aforementioned script would pass the validator since
> the "Does the browser support Flash" test would fail, so it wouldn't
> insert the invalid content.

Good point, but one I can live with. The validator could even take
Opera's approach, but instead of pretending to be the most dominant
browser, masquerade as the most standards compliant at any given time.

> > More expensive than the recursion required to create a valid document
> > tree?
> Yes. You would have to:
> (a) process multiple files


> (b) process the JavaScript

Which basically involves a few DOM methods (createElement and
friends), and consider that these may be applied conditionally. I
would describe that as trivial.

> (c) create multiple DOM trees then validate each one.

No; the same DOM, validated incrementally.

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Tuesday, 9 August 2005 22:13:31 UTC