Re: Balancing the myth-busting.

On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 10:17:57PM +0100, Gez Lemon wrote:

> > 1. It would be very difficult and require a /lot/ of man hours of work
> >    to create
> I strongly disagree. If you already have a document tree, what can be
> difficult about inserting nodes and attributes? Getting the document
> tree in the first place would be a much more difficult task. Inserting
> elements and attribute after the event is a trivial exercise.

The trouble is parsing the JavaScript, not so much the modification of
the DOM tree.

> > 2. It would be very difficult to present the information to the user
> >    since there are dozens of different documents outputted by the
> >    script that would be validated.
> If valid arguments are not available, default values will do. That's
> what programmers are taught to do, and it would be suitable in this
> situation.

In that case the aforementioned script would pass the validator since
the "Does the browser support Flash" test would fail, so it wouldn't
insert the invalid content.

> > 3. It would be very expensive (in CPU terms) to run
> More expensive than the recursion required to create a valid document
> tree?

Yes. You would have to:
(a) process multiple files
(b) process the JavaScript 
(c) create multiple DOM trees then validate each one.

David Dorward                            

Received on Tuesday, 9 August 2005 21:51:09 UTC