Re: issue 1214. 2.4: 1194.22-like SC should be level 1 [21]

Gregg Vanderheiden wrote:

> In your comments below – I'm not sure I follow how
> "When content is arranged in a sequence that affects its meaning, that 
> sequence can be determined programmatically. "
> relates to skipping blocks of repetitive text.
> Can you explain?
There is a proposal to move the following Level 2 criterion to Level 1:  
"When content is arranged in a sequence that affects its meaning, that 
sequence can be determined programmatically." This does not cover markup 
that groups the repeated material.  However, that *could* be covered by 
the existing level 1 criterion, "Structures and relationships within the 
content can be programmatically determined." Because the groups of 
repeated material have relationships that could be programmatically 
determined.   Then, the current level 2 criterion for bypassing repeated 
material could become a technique for this criterion.


wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative

Received on Friday, 22 April 2005 15:32:41 UTC