RE: [TECH] What is the WCAG stance on blinking?

Blink could be done by css, but what about to disabled people different than blind people?

----- Messaggio originale -----
    Da: ""<>
    Inviato: 27/08/04 20.57.29
    A: "'w3c-wai-gl'"<>
    Oggetto: [TECH] What is the WCAG stance on blinking?
    The WCAG HTML techniques document says, "Do not create blinking content 
    with the blink element. ".   There is an editorial note that asks, "If 
    this is because we disapprove of blink we should provide an alternative 
    technique. If it's because we disapprove of blinking, we should say so and 
    point to something. "
    While blinking can be very annoying, when used carefully it is useful to 
    bring attention (for sighted users, at least) to a particular item on the 
    page.  I certainly agree that the blink element should not be used.  It is 
    not in the HTML 4.01 nor XHTML 1.0 DTD and thus not supported by all 
    browsers.  What about blinking controlled via JavaScript?  As long as the 
    blinking does not violate the General Flash Threshold (see Guideline 3.2 
    Level 3 Success Criteria) I don't think WCAG should ban its use.  We can 
    at least provide a JavaScript technique for "responsible blinking" that 
    includes a way to turn it off. 
    The attached file has examples of using JavaScript and CSS to create a 
    blinking text element.   The file loads with blinking turned off.  Use the 
    buttons to toggle blinking on and off.  The JavaScript blinking technique 
    was tested and works in IE 6, Firefox 0.9.2, Mozilla 1.71 and 1.8a3, and 
    Opera 7.54 all on Windows 2000. It also works with HPR 3.04 (beta), JAWS 
    4.51, and WindowEyes 4.5 sp3.  The screen readers always seem to speak the 
    blinking text even though the JavaScript  implementation alternates the 
    style from visibility:hidden to visibility:visible.
    If we agree that blinking is acceptable, I'll submit this as a JavaScript 
    (Note: There are several issues with the CSS text-decoration:blink 
    technique used in this file - I'll discuss that in a post responding to 
    issue #1021.)
    Becky Gibson
    Web Accessibility Architect
    IBM Emerging Internet Technologies
    5 Technology Park Drive
    Westford, MA 01886
    Voice: 978 399-6101; t/l 333-6101

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Received on Friday, 27 August 2004 19:12:09 UTC