Re: Re: [#925] mandatory H1

>> I think that a web page should start with a H1 heading and that
>> one and only one H1 heading should be present on the same page.
>I disagree since a hierarchy does not necessarily consist of only one part
>at its top (as in society, see executive boards or ancient triumvirates). --
>And otherwise, why should you then use more than one <h2 />, or more than
>one <h3 /> element?

No concept is so general that you can't bring it under a more general category (executive boards and triumvirates included). If your web page has two or more blocks of content, each starting with a H1 and totally independent from the others, in all likelihood it would be better to put each of them on a separate web page. Conversely, if you can bring together all of these blocks under a common heading, you will have one H1 for your web page and probably your readers will find the whole content more homogeneous and more comprehensible (accessible). This uniqueness does not apply to headings of levels lower than H1: in principle each block of information can be split up into more specific subsets, and each subset can be identified with a specific level of heading lower than its ancestor (or container) in the hierarchy of page.

Michele Diodati

Received on Thursday, 26 August 2004 13:09:51 UTC