Re: [#925] mandatory H1

Agree with Jens. The only "title" that must be unique is <title>. We could instead have different <h1>

----- Messaggio originale -----
    Da: "Jens Meiert"<>
    Inviato: 26/08/04 12.38.48
    A: ""<>
    Oggetto: Re: [#925] mandatory H1
    > > 3) Require that no more than one H1 be present, that is,
    > > one and only one H1 must be present
    > I think that a web page should start with a H1 heading and that
    > one and only one H1 heading should be present on the same page.
    I disagree since a hierarchy does not necessarily consist of only one part
    at its top (as in society, see executive boards or ancient triumvirates). --
    And otherwise, why should you then use more than one <h2 />, or more than
    one <h3 /> element?
    Jens Meiert
    Interface Architect (IxD)

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Received on Thursday, 26 August 2004 11:01:41 UTC