[techs] checklist prototyping - initial notes


I took an action item to begin work on prototyping checklists and have collected some initial notes, questions and to-dos[1] to help frame tomorrow's checklist discussion in the techniques teleconference.

At this stage, the notes consist primarily of potential checklist items for guidelines 1.1 and 1.3 with links to the various drafts and other resources from which checklist information could be derived. 

I hope to build on this list with some mock-ups of checklists that illustrate how all these pieces might fit together soon.


[1] <http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2004/07/checklist-notes.html> 

Ben Caldwell | <caldwell@trace.wisc.edu>
Trace Research and Development Center <http://trace.wisc.edu>   

Received on Tuesday, 6 July 2004 23:31:10 UTC