Re: Backoffice: must conform to WCAG?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt May" <>
To: "Roberto Scano - IWA/HWG" <>
Cc: "WAI GL (E-mail)" <>
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: Backoffice: must conform to WCAG?

Regarding any issues with confusion, it has already been discussed that
WCAG 2 should contain expanded explanations of ATAG and UAAG, and their
roles in producing accessible content. One important issue in
explaining these is that Web applications that produce Web content
(e.g., Web-based content management systems) should be looking to ATAG,
not just WCAG. That is one message I cannot emphasize enough.

Thank you for your explain. My question and the discussion that we are
doing the italian mailing list is: a web page that
contains a form with:

page title: __________________
small descr: _________________
Keywords: ____________________
visible: [] True  [] False
Content: [--PLUGIN---]

[Submit] [Cancel]

[--PLUGIN---] is a plug-in called with the <object> element that is
accessible to assistive technologies (WCAG 1.0 Checkpoint 8.1), device
independent and generates accessible contents.

The questions are:

a) the page can claim the WCAG conformance if all the WCAG checkpoint
for a conformance level are soddisfed?
b) the page can also claim ATAG conformance for the plug-in if the
plug-in reach a conformance level for ATAG?

If this is OffTopic for this list, please let me know and we discuss in
private :)

Received on Friday, 26 March 2004 14:53:47 UTC