Re: R: Proposal for WCAG conformance mechanism.

> Roberto C:
> Well, let's try not to make this process too complicated, and to make
> everyone understand that we're building it up to give developers much  
> more
> possibilities to get WCAG conformance. We should be able to present it  
> as an
> opportunity rather than a bureaucratic constraint.

Indeed, however it is necessary to ensure as much as possible people are  
using good solid techniques. The idea behind this proposal is that the  
comparitively few accessibility experts will provide and validate the  
techniques used by the masses. This gives us the best of both worlds,  
techniques that have been through QA but without causing individual  
developers to jump through hoops.

Obviously we don't want to make the QA methodology too hard either, but it  
does need to be rigerous to have any merit.


Received on Wednesday, 17 March 2004 18:19:41 UTC