[2.4] Text error in lvl 2 SC # 2

Roberto wrote:

The link to the latest compilation is at

Please read the whole document though and watch for anything that
1) is an error
2) is an omission (blaring)
3) needs to have an Editors Note attached.


In guideline 2.4, the second lvl 2 success criterion says:
Large blocks of material that are repeated on multiple pages, such as
navigation menus with MORE THAN 8 OR MORE links, can be bypassed by people
who use screen readers or who navigate via keyboard or keyboard interface.

More than 8 or more should be either "more than 8" or "8 or more" links.
There is a difference: "more than 8" excludes 8, "8 or more" includes 8. I
think we want to include 8, so it should either be "more than 7" or "8 or
more". I prefer "8 or more" since we do not require anything for 7 but do
for 8 links. Also, 7 seems to be the 'magic number' of items that people can
manage without further hierarchy so it would make sense to require further
navigation aids for 8 links or more.

Yvette Hoitink
CEO Heritas, Enschede, The Netherlands
E-mail: y.p.hoitink@heritas.nl 

Received on Wednesday, 3 March 2004 10:08:00 UTC