FW: UBER 3.1 proposal Improved

1. I vote "yes" on combining guidelines 1.4, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 into one
"uber-3.1" guideline.
2. Under Level 3 Success Criteria, #3, change "desired meaning" to
"intended meaning" as per Sailesh's suggestion and Gregg's response
3. Under Level 3 Success Criteria, accept suggested additions 2 (link
text and section headings make sense when read by themselves and 3
(unique and informative page titles-- though I note Joe Clark's concern
about the *scope* of "unique"" my intention was that page titles should
be unique within the Web resource, not across the entire docuverse;
thanks for clarifying, Joe)
4. Reject prposed additional item 1 (paragraphs develop a signle idea):
it's a nice English-teacher notion (I am one), but surely we don't want
to be in the business of deciding where an idea begins and ends...

"Good design is accessible design." 
Please note our new name and URL!
John Slatin, Ph.D.
Director, Accessibility Institute
University of Texas at Austin
FAC 248C
1 University Station G9600
Austin, TX 78712
ph 512-495-4288, f 512-495-4524
email jslatin@mail.utexas.edu
web http://www.utexas.edu/research/accessibility/



Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2004 14:52:08 UTC