Re: Use of Axis in data-table for categorizing cells

Well help me understand this correctly:
>Whatever is enclosed
>>within quotes following axis= is interpreted as a single concept  even if
>>two words are separated by a comma.

Yes I certainly mis represented what I meant.  The value of an axis  attribute is a single set of one or more concepts with a comma separator. And that
set in its entirety  is associated with the data cell that references it using headers="the id value". Right?
So for instance a data cellwill have both "toxic waste" and "into watershed" associated with it if headers="a2" where"
<th id="a2", axis="toxic waste, into watershed">Waste's properties</th>
There is no way for one data cell to have only "toxic waste" associated to it and another data cell to have  "into watershed" associated with it if they
both refer to the above cell a2. Right?
This does not come out clearly  from reading the HTML specs  and an example with an axis-value containing a comma separator    would have brought out the
 point more clearly. Or was I the only one  who was confused?
Thanks for the clarifications.
Sailesh Panchang
Senior Accessibility Engineer
Deque Systems,11180  Sunrise Valley Drive,
4th Floor, Reston VA 20191
Tel: 703-225-0380 Extension 105
Fax: 703-225-0387
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Received on Friday, 9 January 2004 17:19:34 UTC