question: fixed vs. liquid layout

I have a question: how should we rule about relative/absolute units for 

Do we mean that every layout should be "liquid", or fluid?

Another way of viewing it: is a fixed layout "per se" inaccessible?

Another related question: is a horizontal bar an accessibility (rather 
than usability) issue?

Let a part that pixels are defined as relative units, so that checkpoint 
3.4 in wcag 1 tends to be very ambiguous. But what we need really to do 
to have an accessible layout? Absolutely liquid? ;-)  Ore relatively 
short fixed is good enough (just to fit 640 x 480)? Or fixed layouts are 
not a problem at all, as long as you can use the horizontal scrollbar? 
I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I'd like to hear the wg 

Thank you

Maurizio Boscarol

Received on Thursday, 10 June 2004 07:55:29 UTC