Achromatopsia (was: Color)

> Some references about color deficiency, color blindness, etc.

Those are the same thing. Dichromatism and daltonism are other terms.

> Oliver Sacks, _Island of the Colour Blind_.  Sacks, a neurophysiologist
> and a superb writer, describes a trip to a Micronesian island with a
> very large population of achromatopes.

Or achromats. Since, according to Joel Pokorny, "the prevalence of
achromatopsia is reported to be 0.003% (Waardenburg, P. J. Achromatopsia
congenita. In Genetics and Ophthalmology. P. J. Waardenburg, A.
Franceschetti and D. Klein. Assen, Royal van Gorcum: 1695-1718, 1963),"
WCAG 2.0 doesn't need guidelines for this group. Still, the spectre of
achromatopsia errantly haunts WCAG 1.0 and influences nonexperts in the
development of 2.0.


  Joe Clark  |
  Author, _Building Accessible Websites_
  <> | <>

Received on Friday, 12 September 2003 14:55:33 UTC