action: what happened to "logical, linear, reading order"

I took an action item at the 7/24 telecon to track the fate of the success
criterion addressing "logical, linear reading order." The question came up
in a discussion of Issue 319[1], which suggests adding an additional note
about tab order to 2.4.

In the April 24 draft (just before the last reorganization), there were two
level 3 success criterion under the checkpoint addressing logical-structure

1. information is provided that would allow an assistive technology to
determine at least one logical, linear reading order
2. diagrams are constructed in a fashion so that they have structure that
can be accessed by the user.

These success criterion didn't make it into the early May reorganization
proposals and subsequent drafts due to an editorial oversight and should be
reinstated in the next draft under checkpoint 2.4. 



Ben Caldwell |
Trace Research and Development Center (   

Received on Tuesday, 26 August 2003 10:49:37 UTC