Re: Links from Yvette

Hello Yvette,

Thanks for your mail.

After your mail with the link to the example, I got the idea  when the
code is  so easily to write seeing the example, I can use it. But
because it did not validate I was a little bit upset and tried to
validate their example in the mentioned page.

I only have AAA-compliant sites with valid xhtml 1.1, css and my german
Höhnerfansite is even mentioned in a german portalsite about
accessibility law as a nice example. See

I thought that a special navigation-element was announced in xhtml 2,
but I cannot find it so easily in the latest draft. When address can be
used, why not a simple tag as <navlist> for grouping links?


Received on Sunday, 10 August 2003 09:55:50 UTC