Re: draft for 4.1 and new developing standard

To The Group -

Let's remember to follow our own rules of simple language and not forget to give the written equivalent of abbreviations and acryonymns as opposed to combined letters that may mean less when not described.  We really need to practice what we preach - even if we are (or think we are) writing to a group that fuly understands.  And, yes, I know fully well what RDF is and stands for but some may not.

Doyle Burnett

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lisa Seeman 
  To: WAI GL 
  Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 7:30 PM
  Subject: draft for 4.1 and new developing standard

  Here is one of my out standing action items: a draft for incorporating technologies, into the guidelines, that we know are coming. It is an interesting contrast to the 5.2 thread.

  In the overview to the guidelines:
  you can conform to these guidelines though any publicly available standard, compliment to these guidelines,  that  facilitate compliance at the users end. See the WAI resource for examples of such  techniques.

  in 4.1
  New techniques are being developed to make compliance with these checkpoint easer. RDF annotations and ILS are examples of techniques being developed that may give compliance without  using simplified text in the main rendering, or changing the  authoring style.  Within the review process you should consider the validly of exemptions to  review criteria though every available method compliment to these guideline

Received on Sunday, 29 December 2002 23:57:30 UTC