Re: WCAG 2.0 usage scenarios

Hello Wendy,

 >The point of the exercice is not to create an exaustive list ...

Ok, now it is more clear!

Me too, I think that new people in WCAG (but also not only the new people) 
need a roadmap, clear and whith schemes.

I like also the second exemple (Core Tecniques) in the "technology-specific 
checkpoints" : people can to work, step by step, like a "Bobby free-hand".
I find this scheme very practical and this is also more translatable from a 
automatic-tool program.


Maurizio Vittoria
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana
Tel. 041.5208788 - Fax 041.5238803

Received on Monday, 30 September 2002 02:51:57 UTC