[server side techs] graceful transition, sniffing, ...

The thread at

  lynx-dev Lynx no longer works with Yahoo Mail...

is instructive.

While it's not advertised well, there is a link path through the site to a
[previous but still running] script-independent version.  Sorta.

Although in EO we try to focus on shining examples, it's good to notice as
the basic concepts are gradually beginning to show up in sites which are
more and more in the mainstream.

Here the concept is supporting the basic or universal version as a fallback
for the "new improved" flavor.  Not a new concept but in some ways only
coming lately to the Web.

Should they have put a plain hypertext link down the recovery path in
there, and not relied on browser repair of the refresh directive?  Do we
need a NOREFRESH conditional content element parallel to NOSCRIPT?


Received on Friday, 16 August 2002 11:05:48 UTC