Re: Clear and simple writing

At 7:22 PM +0000 11/24/01, Jim Ley wrote:
>I am, I have distinct problems with illustrations, they make content
>(which can be explained clearly in text) difficult to understand, at the
>same time I appreciate images so cannot disable all images, cartoon like
>"descriptive" images that are all I see are especially distractive. (I
>have a similar problem with music, I can only understand words..)

Are you arguing this because you have an actual disability and
inability to use the web, or are you arguing this because you are
a web developer who does not wish to have the burden of illustrating
web pages placed upon him?  (Or if you are part of neither group,
which group's cause are you champioining here?)

This may sound like a direct attack but really it's more of a
challenge -- when we are debating such things, it's useful to know
whether or not someone is inventing on the spot a disability group which
does not exist outside the bounds of this discussion.

Note also that personal preferences do not constitute a valid
disability group either.

>Ruby can be used to hide images - in which user agents, can you describe
>exactly how a user agent should control this (I'm happy to author a user
>agent to do it, I do need though there to be some mechanism recommended
>that users can use for providing alternate non text content for text.)

So what do you propose to solve this supposed problem?  It wouldn't be
too hard to figure out, if we're actually committed to solving this
particular problem.

What would serve your, uh, needs for illustration-free text?


Kynn Bartlett <>

Received on Saturday, 24 November 2001 22:03:02 UTC