Re: [CSS-TECHS] List of CSS Values cross referenced with Properties?

> I hereby hand this over to Libby to make some sense out
> of. I'm a ruthless so-and-so sometimes :-)

Ugh, ruthlessness isn't in my nature :-)

The goal is "properties listed by what value types they take". To go
this extra step further, you'll have to decide whether or not it's
worth losing the structuring information on the value lists. At the
moment, I have kept the structure intact:-

   :counter-increment :values "[ <identifier> <integer>? ]+ | none |
inherit" .

However, it would be possible to modify the RegExp a bit further [1]
to produce:-

   :counter-increment :values v:identifier, v:integer, v:none,
v:inherit .

which would then be queryable, but would lose the structure
altogether. The next step would be to model the CSS value list syntax
in RDF... that would require quite a bit more work, but might be worth
it if this were going to be used in a serious application.


[1] Use something like r'(\w+?)'.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Saturday, 10 November 2001 14:14:17 UTC