Re: Minimum Set = eliminate barriers with aid of AT (reformulated).

  The checkpoints in the minimum set are those which, if satisfied,
  eliminate barriers that would otherwise prevent an identifiable
  group of users, (with the aid of any applicable client-side software
  and assistive technologies), from reading, understanding, navigating
  or interacting with the content.


1. There is no assumption that all users are relying on assistive

2. Any checkpoint which results in a certain group of users' being
   unable to carry out any one or more of the relevant functions with
   respect to the content (viz., reading, understanding, interaction
   and navigation) would qualify for inclusion in the minimum set.

3. Where failure to implement a checkpoint would make reading,
   understanding, interaction and/or navigation more difficult for
   some groups, but would not entirely preclude functioning along any
   of these dimensions, due for instance to the availability of
   relevant assistive technology, the checkpoint would not be included
   in the minimum set, but it would be included in the guidelines as
   "good advice" to authors. Where appropriate success criteria can be
   defined, such checkpoints would count toward a higher level (i.e.,
   beyond the minimum) level of conformance.

The principle expounded here is meant to be equivalent, in substance,
to Wendy's original idea as captured in OTACS 2, but offers a less
stringent interpretation of what makes content inaccessible to users.
Specifically, in order for a checkpoint to qualify, it must make the
difference between access and lack of access in any one or more of the
four dimensions. These dimensions correspond, broadly, to guidelines
1-3 of WCAG 2.0 as formulated in the latest draft.

Received on Tuesday, 30 October 2001 03:30:13 UTC