Request to Join

Request to Join the Web Content Guidelines Working Group

Given Name: Mark

Family Name: Stimson

Email Address:

Office Telephone Number: 650-607-0721

Employer / Organization: Oracle Corp.

Indicate whether your organization is a W3C Member: Yes it is

Area of interest: (Non W3C members please state area of expertise)

[X] develop Web content on a regular basis,

[X] work with people with disabilities who use the Web,

[ ] have a disability and regularly use the Web,

[X] instruct people on developing Web content,

[X]or have general usability, development, or accessibility knowledge

[X] I have read the WC Guidelines Working Group Charter (revision date
of the charter  is 2000/11/27) and agree to the participation criteria

Intellectual Property Rights (check one):

[X] To the best of my knowledge, I believe my organization does not have
any IPR claims regarding guidelines for the accessibility of Web

[ ] To the best of my knowledge, I believe my organization has the
following IPR claims regarding guidelines for the accessibility of Web
content. (Please specify)

Note. The 11 November 1999 Process Document also asks that any IPR
claims known to the future participant to be pertinent to the Working
Group's work be sent to in addition to the request
to join.

Received on Tuesday, 9 October 2001 12:49:51 UTC