Announcement: Next face-to-face meeting, 13-14 November 2001

Dear Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (WCAG WG) Member,

The W3C/WAI is holding face-to-face meetings of the WCAG WG and the WAI 
Interest Group on 13-14 November in Melbourne, Australia.  We appreciate 
that Telstra has offered to host the meetings.

A draft agenda is available for review and discussion. Please nominate 
additions or changes to the agenda to the working group list.  A link to 
the registration form is also available from this page.  Please register 
before 7 November 2001.

Since many people will be unable to travel to the meeting in Australia and 
due to the difference in time zones, we will meet as the WCAG WG in the 
morning to discuss in-depth issues related to WCAG 2.0 with several members 
participating by phone.  Tuesday afternoon those attending in person will 
break into smaller groups to work on WCAG 2.0 Techniques and Wednesday 
afternoon we will invite anyone interested in WAI to attend a session of 
the WAI Interest Group. This session will provide a brief overview of the 
WAI and then discuss broader issues related to WCAG.

Even if you are attending by phone, please register for the meeting by 7 
November 2001.  There is an option in the form that asks how will you be 
attending the meeting - by phone or in person.  We need to know this 
information so that we may arrange for a large enough phone bridge.

Be well and g'day!

Dear WAI Interest Group (IG) Member,

The W3C/WAI is holding a face-to-face meeting the afternoon of 14 November 
in Melbourne, Australia.  We appreciate that Telstra has offered to host 
the meetings.

A draft agenda is available for review and discussion.  A link to the 
registration form is also available from this page.  Please register before 
7 November 2001.

Note that the registration and agenda refer to the WCAG WG meeting since we 
will be joining them in their meeting which will already be in progress.

The WCAG WG is meeting Tuesday and Wednesday as well.  We will join them in 
their meeting on Wednesday afternoon for discussion of WCAG 2.0. Then we 
will conduct a standard IG meeting to introduce new people to the WAI and 
update everyone on recent progress in our working groups.  For more details 
about topics to be discussed, please refer to the agenda.

Be well and g'day!
wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative
seattle, wa usa

Received on Monday, 1 October 2001 10:25:40 UTC